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Boosteroid — on a Frontline of Cloud Technologies

How cloud gaming can change your life? It has already helped a lot of people forget about lags and hardware problems. With Boosteroid you don’t need to face long downloads and low in-game settings to enjoy the latest video games. 250k users in Central and Eastern Europe are playing their favorite Steam, Origin, GOG, etc games on Boosteroid. Do they have high-end gaming PCs? No. Extra hardware? No. Is it about cloud gaming? Yes. Any other questions?

What is cloud gaming?

Today there are three main types of cloud gaming: online streaming, peer-to-peer gaming, and progressive download. The first one is the most popular and there are solid reasons for its popularity. This technology provides users with the opportunity to play their favorite games in a browser. Boosteroid ensures web-based access to video games so that you can run them in a few mouse clicks. It’s as simple as watching a video on your computer. Boosteroid provides dynamic bitrate stabilization with 14 Mbps. That means even an unstable Internet connection is likely not ruining the overall experience.

What about mobile gaming? Yes, you can run favorite games from your smartphone! As you may need a controller to enjoy advanced mobile cloud gaming experience, we’ve ensured such an opportunity for you.

Moreover, you can transform your smartphone into a game controller using a special Boosteroid app. Dive into amazing video game worlds in any place and at any time. You can run resource-intensive games with a budget laptop, Mac or smartphone. It’s just a matter of time when people all around you will go for these cool technologies. Everything you’ve been dreaming about for a long time is now a reality.

Price always matters!

How much money would you like to spend on a cloud service? Boosteroid makes this amount as low as possible. You can pay as little as €4.16 per month if you buy a one-year subscription. Why are we doing this? Boosteroid tries to be as close to its customers as possible. Soon there will be no reason to pay at all. Boosteroid team is currently working on a free type of subscription. Stay tuned and don’t miss an opportunity to discover new horizons of gaming.

If you need some help then we’ve got you covered. Boosteroids support is available 24/7 to make your gaming experience stressless. Thousands of gamers are already using Boosteroid without any problems. Making cloud gaming user-friendly is the number one priority for any service. Boosteroid is trying to deliver this message to its customers not only by words but also by deeds.

Why Boosteroid?

Boosteroid is making video games accessible whenever there’s an Internet connection. Why is it so important? You can play favorite games with what’s close at hand and won’t need an expensive device. Save your money and use our powerful servers to enjoy your gaming experience to the fullest. With high-quality graphics and max settings, familiar gaming worlds will shine like never before. You can see the future with your own eyes. Let Boosteroid be your guide.

BMAC Zelda

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